A letter to business owners in Carman and area.

I am writing this note to a group of business owners in Carman and area, both young people starting out in their first business venture and people that have been in the fight for a long time.  I can’t help but worry about the stress our current world may put on business owners so I think it is time to start talking about how we are going to get through this.  I can do little to help our health crisis but follow the rules. Addressing our financial challenges is my way of trying to help. First, to those who may face a huge challenge in the coming months; I know many of you have taken on
risk, debt, promises to employees and so on.  The stress of business combined with the stress brought about by our health issues can take a toll, so I want you to know:

You are not alone.  We have a strong business community and many people who understand your stress.  If you would like to talk to someone I will be happy to help you connect with someone that may have experience or insight that may help.

We cannot stress enough the importance of local businesses.  This will be especially important in the coming years as we emerge from this.  The challenge we face is not yours alone, it is our challenge and we will have to work together as a community.

If you want to talk please don’t hesitate to call.  There may be resources available, people that have been there or people that may have the capacity to help.

It may be just talking through a strategy, re-negotiating agreements, looking for financial help, whatever.  Sometimes just talking can help. To those of you who are not as impacted in your business:

Now is the time to shoulder some of the burden our younger entrepreneurs may be facing.  If you have capacity of any sort please make it known.

Please consider what we might do to help our financial situation as we emerge from our current status.  Maybe that purchase from a local business that has been put on hold is ever more important.  Maybe paying a bit extra for everything in the next year or two is ok if it helps stabilize a local business.  If you can offer business advice, services or anything that helps local business, please consider doing so.

There are wage earners who have been laid off, some may not be recalled.  If you have the capacity to hire, the time to do so is coming soon.

Please reach out to all those who you think might be under stress.  You never know how much they are suffering.

If you have the capacity to help but are not sure how to who to let me know. I might know someone that needs what you have to offer. I listened with great interest to the news last night that Linamar, based out of Guelph Ontario will be gearing up their auto parts manufacturing to produce ventilators for Canada as part of the $2 billion announcement.  I have met Frank & Linda Hasenfratz several times.  They are great business people and great philanthropists and there is nothing so uplifting as the thought of them turning some of their 18 (+/-) manufacturing plants to ventilator production.  That is a made-in-Canada solution.  We need to think along those lines.

Robert Bryson