COVID-19 Update March 17, 2020
This combination of a global pandemic and global economic crisis is new and dangerous territory to us
all. We have a dilemma whereby we want to achieve the isolation / social distancing needed to lessen
the transmission of this virus and still support our local businesses that we need here for the long term.
To find the best way through this we would like the members of our community to consider these three
- Social distancing and/or isolation. The best way to “flatten the curve” and get ahead of this
pandemic is to quickly stop the spread by stopping human interaction. Some businesses may
have to close their doors for a period, while some will need to stay open to serve you.
a. Should you visit local businesses?
i. If you have traveled outside of Canada in the last 2 weeks you are to be in self-
isolation and should not interact with people. Please refer to the government
guidelines to achieve this.
ii. If you can do your business by phone, text or email you should.
iii. You should call ahead to confirm if the business in question is prepared
to serve you.
iv. Options such as delivery, takeout or organized shopping times may
help us to accommodate your needs and help us manage social contact. - Supporting local business. The coming months, maybe years may be very difficult for local
businesses. Your support has never been as important as it is right now. We recognize that the
economic crisis that is in parallel with this health crisis is severe and will undoubtedly hurt many
people. Please be ready to support our local businesses now and especially as soon as this crisis
passes. - Helping one another. Our business community has always worked with each other and with our
citizens in time of need. This time we may face some new challenges and to most of us this is
new territory. We as a business community want to begin by offering to help each other and
helping any and all of our community members as we can. We will be working together to find
solutions where people need:
a. Supplies of any kind can be shared between businesses or members of the community
should they be in short supply.
b. Support for workers, replacement workers, technology and other ways to help
businesses that have staffing challenges.
c. Care and attention to the elderly. It is critical that they not be exposed and yet social
interaction is important. Staying in contact by phone, making sure they have groceries
and supplies, and generally accommodating their needs without exposing them is the
most important thing we can do right now.
d. Daycare may be a challenge in the coming weeks. We should consider how we can help
those that rely on daycare if it is not available.
e. Delivery of goods and services is one way we can help people remain somewhat
Robert Bryson